How to Afford Your Boudoir Session
Hello Gorgeous! Thanks for checking out my blog on how to afford your boudoir session! (This has been updated in 2022! Businesses change a lot pre-to-post-pandemic!)
Firstly, a boudoir session is an investment for sure. Professional photos are always a great way to preserve memories: your wedding day, the birth of a child, milestones, etc. Boudoir does this of course, but boudoir has the unique ability to not only preserve memories, but also to invoke emotion! “I left my session and walked on air for the whole next week!”, “I didn’t realize how much a session would mean to me and my self-esteem… THANK YOU!” and, “That was the most empowering experience I’ve ever had.” are just a few of the things I’ve heard from past Emerald Fox Clients… before they’ve even seen their images.
Why is investing in ourselves so hard? We will spend money on our families, on our kids, and anything we absolutely need. But when it comes to ourselves and much needed “me-time” the guilt sets in. I’m here to tell you, that YOU are worth it. A boudoir shoot is an investment into yourself, your confidence and your self-empowerment. You deserve to see yourself the way your best friend sees you, the way your husband sees you – you deserve to be and feel like the best, the most confident version of you!
And guess what? I can help you out with payment options!
Keep reading to see what options you have to afford your boudoir session.

Payment Plans
Firstly, I have a payment plan option.
Payment plans are set-up at your Reveal and Ordering appointment. The cool thing about this option is that you are absolutely in control. You get to decide your down payment (minimum: $100) and your monthly payment (minimum: $50).
The BEST thing about our payment plans is that you don’t have to pay in full before you receive your products and images! (Other boudoir photographers tell me that I’m nuts, but I think you deserve to love yourself now. If you have to wait until you are fully paid off to receive your images, you’ll look back at the images and think, “well, I really look great then!” You should have the chance to enjoy your images while they are still fresh!”
Once just 25% of your package has been paid, you’l receive everything – products, digitals, etc.!
If you can’t make the 25% at the Reveal, that’s okay too! You just won’t receive anything (okay, you will get a Sneak Peek!) until the 25% threshold has been met.
Paypal Credit
We do also accept Paypal credit! You can pay in full through them, pay for just the 25%, whatever works for you! Click here to apply and you’ll get your first 6 months at no-interest!
I strongly suggest this option if you are in a rush to get your images or if you just don’t like waiting! Make sure to apply 5 – 6 days before your session, because it can take several days to be approved.